"... a must-have app for Cocoa developers"
- mmalcolm crawford

 "... totally freakin’ awesome! " - bill bumgarner

© 2002 - 2014  Kevin Callahan

Guitarist     Composer      Coder

"... Accessorizer is amazing!

I can't imagine programming in Cocoa without it "

- Dr. Scott Steinman, Faculty at SCO:steinman

"... I can't praise Accessorizer enough ...

it's amazingly small, and blazingly fast!  "

- Code Poet Code Poetry

“... any Cocoa or Cocoa Touch
developer who doesn’t own it
should have his or her head examined! "

Jeff LaMarche, blog, author: Beginning iPhone Development

Accessorizer is an Objective-C and Cocoa developer tool I wrote that generates Objective-C and Cocoa code for developing Mac OS X and iPhone/iPad applications.